Good - Our products

Product range

High-performance tools for maximum performance

From professionals for professionals. We carry more than 50,000 tools for all your grinding, cutting, milling, polishing and stock removal needs. The breadth and depth of our product range offers the right tool for your specific requirements – often even with a variety of different options.

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Fibre discs show products >
Abrasive Sheets & Discs show products >
Quick Change Discs show products >
Abrasive mop show products >
Abrasive mop discs show products >
Kronenflex® cutting-off wheels show products >
Kronenflex® grinding discs show products >
Flexible abrasives show products >
Carbide burrs show products >
Diamond cutting blades show products >
Diamond sanding pad show products >
Chemistry, cleaning and filtration show products >
Backing pads show products >
Non-woven products show products >
Wire brushes show products >
Retail Range show products >
New products show products >


From coarse to fine: The perfect

solution for every material

No matter which material you need to process with our tools: Klingspor's premium-quality products satisfy even the toughest standards in terms of surface finish, service life and machining performance.

Grinding and cutting off metals are particularly taxing on the tools used. No matter which metal you wish to finish: we will supply you with the right grinding tool. Metal, NF metals and stainless steel
Metal, NF metals and stainless steel
When finishing hard and brittle materials such as glass and ceramic, you need to use high-quality, reliable and high-precision tools& at all stages of the process. We carry a large number of abrasives that have been developed and designed specifically to meet the challenges posed by these materials. Glass, ceramic
Glass, ceramic
When using our abrasives for finishing plastic, rubber and leather, you will achieve first-rate results and uniform finishes every time no matter for which applications and work pieces you use them. Plastic, rubber, and leather
Plastic, rubber, and leather



The perfect tool at every step of the work process

No matter which machine you choose to use as a tool for solving your specific application problem: Klingspor abrasives deliver superior performance and reliable results during cutting, stock removal and finishing.

Cutting off<

Cutting off

The ability to cut off material in a quick and efficient manner is of the utmost importance in a great number of our customers' applications. No less important are a long service life and the aspect of safety during the use of these fast rotating abrasive tools. Fully compliant with oSA guidelines and the European safety standard EN 12413, our cutting tools satisfy the strictest safety standards.

Stock removal

Stock removal

"Crucial for tools used for stock removal are an aggressive grinding behaviour, resulting in the greatest possible removal performance, and minimum strain on the user's body."



Proper finishing must produce smooth and even surfaces and work results that can be reproduced consistently. We support our users in their effort to accomplish these goals with such technological innovations as the anti-static coating ACT.

Keep reading …Our quality